Monday, October 20, 2008

Senior Project

I just found out that my senior project proposal was approved. I figure I can put down some things I come up with here. The plan is to fully design, layout, and partially write and draw my own zine, and although I know very little else about it so far, I do know that I want it to stand alone, to be able to be read and understood completely independent of any particular time line, which unfortunately means it won't be particularly topical.

If anyone reads this that would want to put some of their writing, poetry, drawings, pictures, or otherwise in a zine, just let me know and I'm sure something can make it in.

Seriously, it doesn't even have to be really big and impressive, it's all about the presentation- it will be thrown in with lots of other stuff, and the zine becomes good when it is full of interesting things to look at I need both big central things to put in and plenty of little bits to stick in the margins.

1 comment:

Emily Johnson said...

could you have a haiku section? just steal any haiku off my blog that tickles your fancy.

haiku rule!!!

oh and you should include dinosaur comics because ryan north doesn't care if you steal his comics. he actually encourages it.