Saturday, February 6, 2010

"God bless the man at the crossroads / God bless the woman who still can't sleep / God bless the history that doesn't repeat."

False alarm, everybody. A very melodramatic false alarm... I suppose it is only a matter of time until that is undone. Action will not yield positive reaction, but dammit, I'm going to walk into that anyways. As soon as I can. This is not intentionally cryptic, I apologize to anyone expecting value from a blog, but wandering eyes may see this. All things will be spoken with clarity when my head is clear with pain or victory.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

"A thousand years in perfect symmetry / A thousand years no getting rid of me"

I would really like nothing more but to be wrong, just this once. I spent 5 months telling myself this would happen, yet when the clues are finally there, I unravel at the very idea. I can be strong all I want, but things are definitely wrong. Or about to be.