Monday, November 3, 2008

I actually had homework tonight

Which is pretty weird, because, and I don't know if anyone has told you this before, but senior year is basically really awesome. Yeah, it's not necessarily straight up all-around easier, but I have noticed fewer nights where I am up late due to homework. Whatever that even means.

Before I say what I am about to say, I should clarify that I am not a harpy for Obama. I am not one of the little teenage shrills babbling on generally about "change" and bandwagoning on the Bush-bashing, but I am legitimately worried that if John McCain is elected, it will very likely mark the beginning of my loss of any shred of hope for the future of America. Again, whatever that means. This is something I've heard from a lot of very moderate people, as well as almost all of my friends that could be considered liberals of the mainstream variety. It's quite stressful, I assure you. Having optimism, despite ample evidence to suggest my optimism is misplaced, in America's potential to be something much better. To not stop where we have long ago. To continue being progressive and a symbol of the future. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem like that is the place any of controlling parties wish to take America in, and I doubt that will ever change. I hope beyond hope that we'll just "snap out of it" and become more aware of the potential in America. Again, unfortunately, if Americans can't even put responsible people in control of them, how are they ever going to be able to control themselves, even for themselves? Selfishness does not equate to independence, and it's quite foolish of me to confuse the two. 

Oh well, stress is not going to change anything at this particular impass.



mckenzie said...

Cheney abused his power as Vice President and used it to illegally manipulate the supreme court, and I doubt Mccain would have done things any differently.

Unknown said...
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mckenzie said...

very true, my friend, very true haha.

I probably have my facts a bit wrong anyway, I was running on happy steam when I wrote that anyway. Almost a bit embarrassed about it now, but it would probably be more embarrassing to delete it.